What is Host Care?

Disability Host Care is a Western Australia initiative that places a person living with disability with a voluntary family or Host Carer. The Host Carer or family provide 24/7 care and support either in their own home or in the home of the person living with disability.

Host Carer's become the primary carer to the person they are supporting, with the goal of creating a stable environment.

Could you be a Host Carer?

There is the option of being a long term, short term and weekend respite Host Carer. And while Host Carer's come from all walks of life, cultures and age groups, they all need to be able to:

  • Develop an open and trusting relationship with the person they’re supporting.
  • Provide a nurturing environment to promote the individual's self-esteem and emotional wellbeing.
  • Facilitate activities that integrate the person with disability with their family, community and culture.
  • Support the individual to participate in either school, vocational training, employment or day activities.
  • Ensure the routine health and medical care of the person with a disability.
  • Provide supports matched to the needs of the person, which may include providing access to respite care and clinical support from a range of therapeutic services.

Host Carer’s receive:

  • Case management or casework support to coordinate the different services involved in the placement.
  • A set reimbursement based on the service contract and intensity of need of the person with disability. This will be based on the contractual agreement with the relevant government department.

All Host Carer’s are thoroughly screened and assessed.


Get in touch for more information about accessing our Disability Host Carer services or becoming a Host Carer.

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