Life Without Barriers looks forward to working in partnership with the NSW Labor Government to ensure people across NSW have equity of opportunity.
Image: NSW’s new Labor interim ministry was officially sworn into government on Tuesday. Picture: NCA NewsWire/ pool/ Jessica Hromas
Life Without Barriers congratulates the incoming NSW Labor Government. We look forward to working in partnership with the state government to ensure people across NSW have equity of opportunity, particularly Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, people with disability and children and young people in out-of-home care.
Life Without Barriers supports the Labor Government’s commitment to a Treaty in NSW. We encourage the incoming Government to prioritise engagement with Aboriginal Peak and community-controlled organisations on a range of issues, including a State-appointed Commissioner for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children.
Chief Executive of Life Without Barriers, Claire Robbs, said to see a real systematic change in NSW, transformative initiatives are needed that are developed in consultation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples.
“Life Without Barriers applauds NSW Labor on their commitment to First Nations communities in NSW, including establishing a treaty to promote self-determination and empowerment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples,” Ms Robbs said.
“We encourage the NSW Government to listen to the advice from AbSec to address the need to establish and appropriately resource a new independent statutory body, such as a NSW Child Protection Commission, as a priority.
"It is crucial to have the proper consultation from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community organisations and that we work together to prevent the incoming rates of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children into the child protection system in NSW."
“We also support AbSec’s recommendation for the full implementation of the Family is Culture 2019 report, and we look forward to working with NSW Government to encourage investment in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community-controlled organisations."
Through an Elevate Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP), Life Without Barriers has committed to progressively stepping away from providing out-of-home care to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children. You can view our full RAP here.

Image: Chris Minns at the NSW Labour commitment to treaty announcement at Sydney's Royal Botanic Gardens. Photograph: Chris Minns Facebook.
Life Without Barriers also acknowledges Labor Government’s commitment to the Disability Inclusion plan and believes it is a pathway to demonstrating leadership from within the NSW public service in relation to employment equity.
“The employment barriers faced by people with disability are entirely disreputable.” Ms Robbs said.
“We are committed to working with the NSW Government to address the declining proportion of people with a disability employed in the NSW public service and commend their pre-election partnership with Dylan Alcott and Get Skilled Access."
Life Without Barriers is committed to improving employment opportunities for people with disability. You can read our Access Inclusion and Employment Plan here.

Image: Dylan Alcott at the partnership announcement with Labor Leader Chris Minns and Member for Gosford Liesl Tesch. Photograph: Coast Community News.
As a major provider of out-of-home care for children and young people in NSW, Life Without Barriers recognises its responsibility in ensuring children and young people are supported in their learning goals.
“With a commitment to additional tutoring, investment in teachers and additional funding in the education system, NSW Labor’s education plan represents an important opportunity to invest in educational outcomes for children in out-of-home care,” Ms Robbs said.
“We encourage the incoming Government to consider and support children in out-of-home care in their education policy reforms to acknowledge the many disruptions these children face in their education.
“Our organisation is emboldened by the election commitments we have seen from NSW Labor and looking forward to seeing the positive outcomes they represent for those we serve.”