The Culturally Diverse Psychological Service (CDPS) is a free mental health service that provides short term, culturally sensitive, and evidence-based counselling to people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. This service is funded by the WA Primary Health Alliance.
Who is eligible?
To be eligible for the CDPS you need to meet the following criteria:
be aged 12 years or older;
from a culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) background;
experiencing mild to moderate psychological distress;
live in the Perth metropolitan area;
experiencing cultural or language barriers to accessing mainstream mental health services.
What services are available?
You can receive up to 10 sessions of confidential and culturally appropriate counselling from an experienced and registered psychologist. The psychologist will provide two reports (after sessions 6 and 10) directly to the referring GP.
Along with access to interpreters if needed, our team of psychologists are fluent in various languages to support you throughout your time with the service.
How much does it cost?
Psychology sessions and interpreting services are free of charge. This service is fully funded by the WA Primary Health Alliance.
Where is the CDPS located?
We have CDPS locations throughout the Perth metro area including:
How long will I wait for a service?
Wait times will depend on the type of referral and the caseload of our psychologists. When your referral is received, we will let you know how long you may need to wait for an appointment.
What doesn’t the CDPS provide?
The service does not provide support with practical, financial, housing or legal matters or case management.
The Culturally Diverse Psychological Service is not a crisis service.
Get in touch
If you would like to learn more about our service, get in touch through our contact form, or call or email us.
Interpreting services: If you need an interpreter to speak to us, please call the Translation and Interpreting Service on 13 14 50 and ask for the Culturally Diverse Psychological Service.
How do I access the CDPS?
A GP, Psychiatrist or Paediatrician referral is needed to access counselling through the program.
Information for individuals
If you would like to access the counselling sessions through the CDPS:
Check if you are eligible to access the CDPS
Download and take the Requesting a referral from your GP letter to your next GP, psychiatrist or paediatrician appointment or contact us for support.
Talk to your GP or psychiatrist or paediatrician and ask them to complete a GP referral form on your behalf.
If they need support with the referral process, they can contact us on 0418 724 549 or email cdps@lwb.org.au.
For GPs, Psychiatrists and Paediatricians
Individuals need a referral to access the service. Please email the completed GP referral form to cdps@lwb.org.au.
The CDPS Referral Form is available in the Best Practice Premier Software, search CALD Psychological Service GP Referral Form.
If a Mental Health Treatment Plan has been developed, the CDPS will accept that document in place of the referral form.
Please note the CDPS does not provide services under Medicare, therefore any MBS (Better Access) sessions could remain available for your client.
Psychology sessions and interpreting services are free of charge to clients.
Information for other agencies
Other agencies and providers can refer people to the service using the General referral form and email the completed form to cdps@lwb.org.au. Please note, clients who access the service under a General referral, will need to provide a GP referral form after two counselling sessions.
Referral forms and brochures
- CDPS GP Referral Form
- CDPS General Referral Form
- CDPS Requesting a referral from your GP
- Culturally Diverse Psychological Service - English
- Culturally Diverse Psychological Service - Burmese
- Culturally Diverse Psychological Service - Arabic
- Culturally Diverse Psychological Service - Dari
- Culturally Diverse Psychological Service - Hindi
- Culturally Diverse Psychological Service - Kirundi
- Culturally Diverse Psychological Service - Dinka
- Culturally Diverse Psychological Service - Mandarin
- Culturally Diverse Psychological Service - Indonesian
- Culturally Diverse Psychological Service - Farsi
- Culturally Diverse Psychological Service - Swahili
- Culturally Diverse Psychological Service - Vietnamese
- Culturally Diverse Psychological Service - Somali
- Culturally Diverse Psychological Service - Tamil
- Culturally Diverse Psychological Service - Turkish
- Culturally Diverse Psychological Service - Spanish
The Culturally Diverse Psychological Service is not a crisis service.
If you need urgent or immediate support, please call:
Emergency Services
000 (triple zero) - If you are concerned for your, or someone else’s safety.
Suicide Call Back Service
Mental Health Emergency Response Line (MHERL)
Beyond Blue
Our support
The Culturally Diverse Psychological Service is supported by WA Primary Health Alliance under the Australian Government’s Primary Health Networks Program. The Service works in partnership with WA Family Support Networks for Cannington/Armadale, Fremantle/Mirrabooka/Joondalup, and Perth/Midland; and Multicultural Networks for North Metro, East Metro, and South-East Metro.

WA Primary Health Alliance
The CDPS is supported by WA Primary Health Alliance under the Australian Government’s Primary Health Networks Program.