Perth-based charity 'Fostering Hope' recognised as Change Champions in the 7 News Local Champions awards!

Founded by Life Without Barriers' Foster Carers Lorraine Lekias and Linzi Mooney in 2016, Fostering Hope donates material supplies and essential items to Carers in need across Western Australia.
They started the charity from their home after identifying that Carers needed access to immediate material support when a child or young person is placed in their care.
Fostering Hope’s community hub has become a one-stop shop for West Australian Foster and Kinship Carers seeking clothing, toys, essential items and much more at little to no cost. In lieu of payment for goods, a small donation is invited. Any money received is put toward running costs.
Along with over 70 volunteers, Lorraine and Linzi have shown a strong commitment to their local community, which was recently recognised in the 2022 7 News Local Champion’s awards.
Fostering Hope received the Change Champion Award, recognising them as an organisation leading and campaigning for positive change, engagement and impact in their community. Out of over 600 nominations, Fostering Hope was the overall champion, receiving $5000 to go towards their charity.

When asked what the prize money meant for Fostering, Hope Lorraine said, “It will help us to reach out to more people and communities. We are trying to set up to reach out to outlaying Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities so we can spread our community’s love far and wide.”

Fostering Hope has truly become a pillar of support in the Perth community for Carers and children in care.
Founder Lorraine Lekias’ explains that her philosophy is, ‘it takes a village’. She firmly believes that simple but meaningful gestures, like offering a shoulder to lean on, cooking someone a meal or watering their garden, means you’re a ‘Carer’, and this is what fosters hope within a community.
“We have grown into a beautiful, flourishing community that truly is fostering hope within our community.”
Life Without Barriers extends our congratulations to Fostering Hope for this achievement and recognition of the essential support they provide.
To connect with the wonderful team at Fostering Hope and their community of Foster and Kinship Carers Australia-wide, you can join their network via the private Foster Carer Facebook Group here.
For information about how to donate, visit the Fostering Hope website or email: