We partnered with Ashgrove Cheese to highlight the urgent need for foster carers in Tasmania.

During Foster and Kinship Care Week, we partnered with local dairy Ashgrove Cheese to highlight the urgent need for foster carers in Tasmania.
The campaign comprised of labels on 150,000 milk bottles in supermarkets across the state during September promoting the need for foster carers.
We also partnered with Ashgrove Cheese at AgFest 2022. Agfest is a multi-award-winning agricultural event organised by Rural Youth Tasmania volunteer members, which has been running for 40 years.
We had our own stall with staff and local carers there to answer all queries from families and encourage them to craft cow masks and check out the Ashgrove Cheese stand. We also ran a rock painting activity, and we had the handmade creations from our Living Arts Program on display.
LAFM radio announcer ‘Fairsy’ interviewed our Carer Ambassador and local carer, Katie Wells, as well as Operations Manager Anna Wild at Agfest 2022. You can listen to the radio interview here.

Katie Wells, Carer Ambassador, has been a foster carer for 18 years and has fostered over 80 children over the years with her partner and family.
“I just have such a heart for Tassie’s future,” Katie said.
“These are the kids that haven’t had the opportunities that others have had. They’ve struggled through no fault of their own.
“Our children were growing up; adoption didn’t seem like a good fit for us, and my partner and I looked around and thought, let’s find out about fostering.
"Let’s see if we can turn some of these little kids' lives around and create a better future for them."
Anna Wild, Operations Manager Child, Youth and Family Tasmania, said that her previous work in the sector brought her to Life Without Barriers as she wanted to help and follow the dreams that she has for children in care.
“Tassie kids need foster carers. We are in dire straits, which is why we are out in the community to raise awareness that it takes a village to raise a child,” Anna said.
“Ashgrove Cheese is one of our partners, has been for many years, to help us get the word out."
Together with Ashgrove cheese, we are focused on creating awareness of the essential need for young people to be nurtured and cared for in the community and encouraging people to consider becoming a foster carer.