We are pleased to announce the opening of a COVID-19 vaccination hub at our Dandenong office today.

Image: Photos of the people we support in Melbourne receiving the COVID19 Vaccine. In the photos left to right: Hanh (staff ), and the people we support Peter, David A and David C.
Following the announcement last Friday that Life Without Barriers is working with the Federal Government and other disability service providers to provide accessible ways for people with disability and support workers to access the vaccine, we are pleased to announce the opening of a COVID-19 vaccination hub at our Dandenong office today.
In partnership with Aspen Medical and the Department of Health, this hub is another option to help accelerate the rate of vaccination for people with disability and their staff, who are living and working in disability supported independent living homes.
As part of the Federal Government specialist ‘In-Reach’ program for people with disability living in supported accommodation, the hub will be providing the Pfizer vaccine to both people with disability and support workers – regardless of age.
Life Without Barriers Chief Executive Claire Robbs said, “The COVID-19 pandemic has been a major concern for everyone with disability and Life Without Barriers has been clear on our intention to support efforts to ensure people with disability and disability support workers can be vaccinated.
“The only way to achieve this is by working in partnership to assist the government by offering our resources and knowledge with dedicated hubs that can effectively support people with disability to get the vaccine. The hubs will offer vaccination to people in supported independent living homes delivered by Life Without Barriers and for any other provider in the areas the hubs are located.”
Life Without Barriers recognises that vaccination saves lives and higher vaccination rates makes outbreaks much less likely. It also reduces the need for preventative measures, such as border closures and travel restrictions.
Ms Robbs said, “We are committed to doing whatever it takes to see this through. Life Without Barriers and the disability sector is playing its part to assist the government in the COVID vaccine rollout, ensuring the safety of Australians.”

Image: In the photos left to right: Hanh, Peter, DA and David feeling good.