Life Without Barriers celebrated its Australian Workplace Equality Index at the Australian LGBTQ Inclusion Awards on 28 May 2021.

The Australian Workplace Equality Index (AWEI) is the definitive national benchmark on LGBTQ* workplace inclusion. The Index drives best practice in Australia and sets a comparative benchmark for Australian employers across all sectors.
Life Without Barriers has participated in the AWEI for the past four years. Our score has increased each year from 18/200 in 2018, 54/200 in 2019, 74/200 in 2020, to 102/200 in 2021. This year we achieved Bronze Employer Recognition for the first time. This is a significant achievement and requires a considerable amount of LGBTQIA+ inclusion work throughout the assessed year.
To celebrate our progress, members of our LGBTQIA+ employee network, Pride Without Barriers, attended the Australian LGBTQ Inclusion Awards on 28 May in Sydney. We were joined by Celina Cross, Executive Director People and Culture at Life Without Barriers.
The Australian LGBTQ Inclusion Awards is an event celebrating and awarding Australia’s top organisations for LGBTQ inclusion based on the results of the AWEI.
We are proud of our continuing progress toward a safe and inclusive workplace for LGBTQIA+ employees. Our Diversity and Inclusion team uses the results of the AWEI to inform our future LGBTQIA+ inclusion work.
*Pride in Diversity use the acronym LGBTQ. At Life Without Barriers we use LGBTQIA+.