13 May 2021

The focus on sustainability of high quality essential service for those who need it is so important.

Image: Woman with down syndrome wearing a floral dress with a flower crown and long dark hair sliding down a bright orange slide.

Life Without Barriers was pleased to see the increased funding for Aged Care and Disability Services in this year’s Federal Budget, reinforcing a deeper commitment to these vital social services for people in need of support.

The aged care funding commitment has been described as ‘transformative’ for many elderly by specifically increasing access to urgently needed in home supports and responding the Aged Care Royal Commission’s recommendations including specific training for direct care staff.

“It is a relief to see the Federal Government’s necessary investment to fill gaps in the delivery of support to elderly Australians." Said Claire Robbs, Chief Executive.

"We welcome the government’s response to the recommendations of the Royal Commission to improve safety and quality and the availability of aged care services, including improved in-home care supports."

In September 2020, there were 99,268 older people assessed as needing care. Many of those have been waiting for more than a year for a package that meets their needs. Life Without Barriers has seen first-hand the need to reduce Home Care Packages waitlists, improve the quality of care, and offer older Australians better skilled and trained workforce.

As a trusted NDIS provider, we also welcome further funding to the scheme to provide personalised services that continue to improve the level of care and support for the millions of Australians living with a disability. We are eager to see how the Federal Governments employment commitments will positively impact people with disability seeking employment.

One in five people in Australia lives with a disability, yet only half of those of working-age have secured employment. People with a disability experience more barriers to employment than people without.

At Life Without Barriers we are also focused on how to support young people with disability gain job-ready skills and experience and find meaningful employment. We look forward to working with the Government to create employment without barriers for people with disability in Australia.

Life Without Barriers believes the financial and strategic attention the Disability services and Aged Care sectors will receive will not only impact the lives of Australians now, but for generations to come.

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