Tyson is looking forward to the Integrated Football League season starting again soon in Perth.

As Tyson finished the 2018 Football season, he wasn’t sure what the future held. He hadn’t been able to play as many games as he had hoped, so when he was given the chance to join the Fremantle CBC Integrated Football Club in 2019, he jumped at the chance.
Football is Tyson’s favourite thing and joining Fremantle has made a world of difference to him.
Football is my life, I love football, and it makes me very happy.
— Tyson
“I enjoy playing for the club as I made friends in our team and we all support each other in good and bad turns in the games. I like playing and enjoying myself.”
Perth Integrated Football League gives players of all abilities the chance to be part of a thriving football program, build and maintain fitness, and be part of a team in a family oriented mainstream club.
“I like kicking the ball and I am very good at defending. My mum comes and watches my games. My Life Without Barriers’ carers stay with me at all games and trainings. They ensure that I am always on time for trainings and games, they encourage me and cheer for me,” said Tyson.

When Tyson joined Fremantle CBC, the club worked with him to ensure his participation would be a success.
“Tyson was so keen to play that he promised to put his best foot forward in all aspects of the game and would have a Carer at close call should something untoward happen. Initially Tyson was placed on a short-term goal to see how he developed and then it was decided that he should go ahead and play full time,” said Gemma McLachlan, Coordinator, Fremantle CBC Integrated Football.
“Tyson has been an absolute pleasure to have in the Gold Team. He is always on time and ready and willing to help in any way he can.”
Playing for Fremantle has built Tyson’s confidence and allowed him to participate in a sport he has loved since primary school.
“My highlight of the season was in my last game where I kicked three goals, what a way to finish the season. Playing football helps me to stay fit and happy. I also like seeing my football friends at training and games and support them, we have respect for each other.”
Life Without Barriers has been a proud major partner of the Perth Integrated Football League since 2019.