We welcome the Federal Government’s response to the Tune review and introduction of the new NDIS Participant Service Guarantee.

Image: NDIS office building.
Life Without Barriers has welcomed the Federal Government’s response to the Tune review and introduction of the new NDIS Participant Service Guarantee. The Government’s commitment and response to all of the review’s 29 recommendations will see significant enhancements to the scheme which will be of great benefit to people with disability who are participants of the NDIS.
The review of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 report completed by Mr David Tune AO PSM (the Tune review) was released in 2019. The review made a number of recommendations to improve the experience of NDIS participants, and the implementation of a Participant Service Guarantee which will mandate time-frames on the eligibility process and approvals and reviews of NDIS plans.
Today Minister for the NDIS Stuart Robert announced the Government’s response for all 29 of the recommendations including:
Implementation of Participant Service Guarantee
A Participant Service Charter and Participant Service Improvement Plan, which will outline the steps the NDIA will take to implement the Participant Service Guarantee
A new independent assessment process to determine a person's eligibility to the NDIS
Life Without Barriers Chief Executive Claire Robbs said, “We acknowledge and thank the Minister for listening to NDIS participants as well as service providers in committing to implement these reforms.
“The NDIS is an unprecedented and transformative program and there may be times that we need to change the program as we go along to ensure that it meets its goals of putting choice and control in the hands of people with disability.
“These reforms will make a substantial difference to the experience of people with disability and give them further confidence that plans are developed and reviewed with consultation and engagement – creating a stronger relationship with participants and the NDIS.
“We look forward to continuing to engage with the Minister and the NDIA as these reforms are implemented.”
View the Government’s response to the Tune review here
Read Easy English version of the Participant Service Charter from the NDIA
Read Easy English version of the Participant Service Improvement Plan from the NDIA