The people we support are supporting others at their local Foodbank.

Every week in Hobart, Tasmania, participants and Life Without Barriers staff head out to their local Foodbank to volunteer where they are involved in sorting, packing and unpacking donated food items. Stephen Hay and Greg Burles, two of our National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participants, are two of the people who volunteer at Foodbank regularly.
Foodbank is a great community service supporting people going through hardship to access food hampers and other products.
Stephen and Greg help to prepare and sort donated food that is then distributed to people within the local Tasmanian community who are struggling to make ends meet. They see it as a great way to be involved with and support their local community. Greg Burles – one of the participants pictured said the following about his volunteering experience;
“I like to go because I am helping people and I enjoy seeing people happy when I can help.”
We love that our participants are so ready to help out in their community and make a positive difference. We encourage our participants to get out into the public as much as they want to as research shows that being part of a community can have a positive effect on mental health and emotional wellbeing! It also provides a sense of belonging and social connectedness for everyone involved. A huge thanks to Greg, Stephen and our staff who aid them in volunteering to this truly worthy cause.
If you want to volunteer at your local Foodbank, you can find more information here.