Free Employment Workshop and Footy Coaching Clinic for people with disability interested in finding a job or playing inclusive sport.

This International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD) one of the ways we are celebrating in Western Australia is by running a free Employment Workshop and Football Coaching Clinic in partnership with Perth Integrated Football.
Employment Workshop
Join us for a free interactive workshop to learn about accessible education, training and employment opportunities for people with disability. You'll gain valuable job seeking skills, including resume preparation, access to free training courses and one-on-one assistance for finding employment.
All Abilities Football Coaching Clinic
Playing team sports is a great way to get fit, socialise and be actively involved in your local community. Have a go at Aussie Rules Football at our mini coaching clinic with Perth Integrated Football coaches and players. Try all aspects of the game and get coaching tips and assistance in a fun, friendly and inclusive environment. Support is also available to help you join an inclusive sporting club in your local community.
Jennie Burns, the State Director of Life Without Barriers in Western Australia, said; “People of all abilities are invited to come along for this free event – whether you’d like help to get into paid employment with skills like resume writing and free training courses, or whether you’re keen to try out Aussie rules and join your local club – or both. We will also be having a free morning tea and sausage sizzle.”
WHERE: West Australian Football Commission (WAFC), 105 Banksia Street, Tuart Hill WA
WHEN: Thursday 3 December, 9am - 1pm
Welcome and Acknowledgment of Country
Overview of Life Without Barriers Disability services In WA
Information session/workshop about employment and training for people with disability:
ABC: The Pathway to Employment:
Training and education: Opportunities to enrol in Foundation Skills Courses to assist with gaining employment
10.30am Morning Tea
Football Coaching Clinic at adjacent oval – run by Perth Integrated Football
Sausage Sizzle at oval for attendees following training session.
Event concludes
For further information, call 9208 3400