On Saturday the 2nd of November 2019, the SA Life Without Barriers community proudly participated in the Adelaide Pride March.

The Adelaide Pride March has been a celebration for LGBTIQ love, strength and diversity since the very first SA ‘Proud Parade’ in 1973. This is the second year that we have participated as a registered group, led by our vibrant Living Arts team. Those who made it along on the day shared their energy and enthusiasm with the crowds – smiling and handing out Life Without Barriers branded goodies such as whistles, fans, wristbands and information about becoming a foster carer with Life Without Barriers.

The event is a colourful and energetic celebration. By our Living Arts team championing the event, they created a safe environment for staff, clients, carers and their families to march together. The involvement with the march was open to everyone across the Life Without Barriers SA community, whether they identify as queer or are supportive allies. This help our LGBTIQ community members know that they are seen, supported and celebrated at Life Without Barriers. Happy Pridevember!