Jane is a bright and ambitious twenty-year-old woman from Tasmania. As a young person she had faced difficult circumstances in her life that resulted in her making some poor choices.

Jane* is a bright and ambitious twenty-year-old woman from Tasmania. As a young person she had faced difficult circumstances in her life that resulted in her making some poor choices. The nature of Jane’s offences, had she continued down this path, were likely going to see her entering the youth criminal justice and prison system.
Jane needed an intervention to divert her life from continuing down this risky path. She was fortunate to be the first participant to join the ‘Back on Track’ (BOT) program in January 2016.
Life Without Barriers and the Tasmanian Department of Justice launched BOT in November 2015. BOT is a Tasmania-wide community-based diversionary program for men and women between the ages of 18 and 25.
The BOT model has two parts:
A group program called Cognitive Self Change (CSC) which focusses on assisting young people to develop awareness of ‘risky’ thinking and;
Intensive case management including specific support and referrals for education, employment, family and relationship issues and substance abuse concerns. The purpose is to assist young people achieve their individual goals and divert from committing criminal offences.
Jane has enjoyed the challenge of joining a Cognitive Self Change group. “I like being able to talk and there is no judgement,” she said. She has so far progressed to Step 3 (out of 4) and believes it has been helpful to think that she does have different choices in her life. “Coming to the group has shown me I’m not a no-hoper and that right decisions can get me somewhere,” said Jane.
Since joining the program last January, Jane has set herself a number of personal goals and is leading her life with a positive attitude and enjoying her improved health. She has so far also completed a training course in Traffic Management, Heights and Workplace Safety; became a trained Wildlife Rescue person with Bonorong Wildlife Park; earned her P Plates; and secured part-time employment in a café.
As Jane edges closer toward graduation from ‘Back on Track’ she is considering further options for her future. Her journey within the program has helped her understand herself more and realise that she has the determination to change her thinking and, as Jane says in her own words, realise that “people do care.”