26 February 2018

A free resource to help people with psychosocial disability identify their potential and independently plan their education, training or entry into the workforce will be launched by Life Without Barriers in Adelaide today (event details below).

The new resource and accompanying website, My Pathway My Future: Education Training & Employment for Everyone, is designed as a guide and work book for individuals with mental health issues. It will help them discover their strengths, interests and areas for development, and assist them when building a resume.

Chief Executive of Life Without Barriers Claire Robbs said, “Studies have shown that people with mental health issues who continue education and training or join the workforce feel more empowered – they take control of their lives and feel more included socially. We want to see more of that happening."

“This free guide was created specifically to help them recognise their true potential and build confidence so they can put their best foot forward as they seek out new opportunities,” Ms Robbs said.

“I invite the families, carers and the individuals themselves to take advantage of this resource,” she said.

My Pathway My Future was developed by Life Without Barriers in South Australia as a result of extensive community consultation to analyse the issues faced by people with psychosocial disability when accessing education, training and employment opportunities. Those interviewed for this project included individuals with mental illness, their carers and significant others, peer workers, service providers, students, volunteers, educators, trainers and employers.

Life Without Barriers’ State Director for South Australia, Sue Thomas, whose team developed the guide said, “There is a significant disparity between participation rates of people with mental illness in education, training and employment when compared to others.

“But there are enormous benefits to the individuals, the organisations that employ or train them, and ultimately, to society as a whole when people with mental illness are gainfully employed or are accessing education and training in the areas they love,” she said.

My Pathway My Future is freely available to anyone with mental health issues across Australia. Users are encouraged to work through the resource to get a clear understanding their interests and strengths as well as potential barriers and the strategies to overcome them. The guide can also be used by carers and service providers when they support these individuals and help them consider their hopes for their future.

The resource was made possible by grant funding from the Central Adelaide and Hills Partners in Recovery service through the lead agency, Neami National.

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