4 July 2019

Major disability services provider Life Without Barriers has welcomed the Government’s announcement of increased price limits for National Disability Insurance Scheme registered service providers.

Life without Barriers Chief Executive Claire Robbs said the organisation is pleased the Government is demonstrating a commitment to a successful NDIS by listening to NDIS service providers and participants on how the scheme can be improved.

“These changes, which effectively deliver real price increases for most services, will allow providers to deliver more sustainable and viable supports to participants and their families,” Ms Robbs said.

“We particularly welcome the 7.5% Temporary Transformation Payment. This means providers can respond to the needs of participants with new systems and processes that allow us to offer more flexible and innovative services.

Ms Robbs said the Government’s focus on continually making improvements to the NDIS is to be commended, although this work has not finished. “We look forward to working with the government into the future to improve the NDIS, particularly in relation to providing advanced coordinated supports to people with complex needs, and improving the planning processes for the people we support.

“There is still much work to do to ensure that the scheme works for everyone, and we will continue to work with participants, the Government and other providers to ensure the scheme reaches its full potential.”

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