28 August 2018


National disability services provider Life Without Barriers has today welcomed the announcement by the Hon Martin Foley MP, Victorian Minister for Housing, Disability and Ageing, that the organisation is one of the successful providers in the transfer of disability services in Victoria.

Life Without Barriers is a leading social purpose, not-for-profit organisation working in more than 440 communities across Australia. Life Without Barriers partners with individuals, their families and supporters in the community to ensure people are able to receive the support they require to meet their needs and goals.

Life Without Barriers has been selected following a robust selection process by the Victorian Government to provide Supported Independent Living (SIL) and Short Term Accommodation and Assistance (STAA) in a number of locations across Melbourne.

Life Without Barriers Chief Executive Claire Robbs said, “We are excited and humbled to be given the opportunity to partner with people with disabilities and their families, and to work with their passionate and talented staff.”

“Life Without Barriers is a recognised national leader in disability services. We have provided high quality disability services across the country for over two decades and currently operate a range of services in Victoria,” Ms Robbs said.

“Our purpose is to partner with people to change their lives for the better, and the opportunity to do that for Victorians with a disability is what drove our decision to deliver these services.

Ms Robbs said that her focus will now be building the relationships with participants and staff to ensure a smooth and positive transfer over the coming months.

“We want to assure participants that they will continue to receive the same high quality service that they expect, both during the transfer period and beyond. We will start meeting with participants, their families, supporters and advocates to understand each person’s individual needs and maintain their existing quality services.

“We also want to ensure employees feel welcomed and excited about working with us. Our
experience in transferring similar services to us in other parts of Australia means we understand the importance of providing early access to information and opportunities to meet us.

“In welcoming staff to Life Without Barriers we will be working closely with their representative body, the Health and Community Services Union. We recognise the importance of building an effective and constructive working relationship with Health and Community Services Union to ensure we meet the needs of employees and create a positive and harmonious working environment.

“We are aware that this is a time of change for participants, their families and transferring
employees and we are committed to being open and engaging with them as we begin this

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