Statement of Commitment

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children are distressingly overrepresented in the out of home care system in Australia. Close the Gap targets are aiming to reduce the rate of over-representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in out-of-home care by 45 per cent. At our current rate of progress, this target will not be met. Children face futures of lifelong disadvantage and discrimination if we don’t take radical steps to change this trajectory. Life Without Barriers is committed to Closing The Gap and ensuring Aboriginal children can grow in culture, with family and kin.

Our Statement of Commitment to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, young people and families:

“Life Without Barriers will progressively step away from providing out-of-home care services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children by 2031”

The Transformation Project within the Elevate RAP

The Transformation Project is Life Without Barriers’ commitment to contribute towards reducing the overrepresentation of Aboriginal and Torre Strait Islander children in out-of-home care by working in partnership with SNAICC - National Voice for our Children (SNAICC) and other Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations to ensure Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children can grow in culture and with kin.

Our transformation project is founded upon the Family Matters Building Blocks. These Building Blocks are an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander-led framework for co-design, led by SNAICC and spearheaded by a group of eminent Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leaders from across the country.

Our commitment to Reconciliation

Family Matters Campaign

Life Without Barriers will transition Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children to community control and leverage our strong partnerships across the child, youth and family sectors in jurisdictional areas.

We are working in accordance with the six core principles of the Family Matters campaign so that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children can grow up safe and cared for in family, community and culture.

  1. Applying a child focused approach.

  2. Ensuring that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and organisations participate in and have control over decisions that affect their children.

  3. Protecting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children’s right to live in culture.

  4. Pursuing evidence-based responses.

  5. Supporting, healing and strengthening families.

  6. Challenging systemic racism and inequities.

View the Family Matters Roadmap >