Welcome from Chief Executive, Claire Robbs
On behalf of Life Without Barriers, I extend our appreciation for the trust placed in us by the people, communities and supporters we have partnered with over the year. I am pleased to share the 2023-24 Annual Report which highlights some of the wonderful stories we have been fortunate to witness and be a part of. Our work is only possible because of collaboration with carers, families, the people we support, and non-government and government agencies.
This year has been an incredible time of learning and connection, and we believe a pivotal year in preparing our organisation for a greater impact in the years ahead.
The stories shared in this year’s report are only a small number of the tens of thousands we have witnessed over the year, but we do hope you enjoy reading them. We celebrate and thank our more than 12,300 employees and carers who are the driving force of our organisation. They are humble people who believe in a community for all.
'Lived Experience Guides Us', thank you to every person who has shared their stories with us in this year’s report.
Lived Experience Guides Us
This year, we celebrate how the lived experience of people all across our Life Without Barriers community has guided us to live our purpose more fully through our values of respect, responsiveness, courage, imagination and relationships.
Our partnerships this year
On behalf of the Board and Executive Team at Life Without Barriers, we extend our sincere thank you for the opportunity to be a part of the journey of tens of thousands of people. We thank our staff and carers for their commitment through what has been another extraordinary year.
Image: Robert is wearing a red t-shirt and is hugging Debra. Dennis is sitting on the right in a checkered shirt and brimmed hat. They are at a Life Without Barriers booth with a brick wall behind them.
Lived Experience Guides Us
The essence of Life Without Barriers has always been the importance we place on our values and relationships. It is the people that we partner with that have enabled us to extend the impact we are having across Australia.
Influencing Systemic Barriers
Delivering great services
Impact for Future Generations

Image: Staff gathered in a group at Wanarayimanha National Reconciliation Week Walk.
Interactive Annual Report 2024
Please find the Life Without Barriers 2024 Annual Report in interactive digital and video format:
Annual Report
Please find Life Without Barriers' Annual Reports in PDF format below.