Foster care
Carer guide
Safety and privacy online

Safety and privacy online

Helping children stay safe online is something that concerns us all. To support carers in learning more about online safety for children, we have developed an online learning module titled Children, Young People and Technology. The 20-minute module in myLearning focuses on how we can respect a child's right to use technology whilst keeping them safe online. It helps build an understanding of why technology is important to children and raises awareness of risks. Included in the module is an overview of why children in care may be more vulnerable to online risks and provides information about websites and practical tips to help keep children safe.

The Association of Children's Welfare Agencies has developed learning resources about staying safe online for carers and young people.

The Office of the eSafety Commissioner is an Australian Government website. The website provides guidance for using safety settings on household web-connected devices, tips for choosing movies and games and strategies for keeping children safe online.

See the links below for other helpful resources.

The Kids Helpline is available for people 5- 25 for free and confidential phone counselling 24 hours, seven days a week. Phone 1800 551 800

You can make a complaint about cyberbullying to the Office of the eSafety Commissioner.
You can report offensive or illegal content to the Office of the eSafety commissioner.

Talk to your local care team if you have any concerns about children's safety online.

Want to become a carer?
To become a foster carer your ability to care and nurture a child is what really matters.
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