Foster care
Carer guide
About out of home care
Licensing and accreditation of Life Without Barriers

Licensing and accreditation of Life Without Barriers

Just as you have been screened and assessed as a suitable carer, we are assessed and monitored by the Government to ensure we are a suitable organisation to care for children. You might hear this process referred to as licensing, accreditation, registration, or certification.

Service Standards

The criteria for the licensing of a foster care service vary between states, but mainly focus on the ability to

  • Provide information to children, particularly about accessibility, policies and procedures, complaints, and appeals processes
  • Ensure children participate in decisions affecting them, and are involved in services they receive
  • Uphold the rights of children
  • Keep children connected to family, and involve families in their children’s lives
  • Keep children connected to their culture and identity
  • Comply with standards for care environments
  • Recruit, assess, train, approve, support, monitor, and supervise carers
  • Manage children’s records
  • Maintain records about carers, employees, contractors, and volunteers
  • Maintain reporting systems, particularly breaches of standards and incidents involving harm to children
  • Meet guidelines relating to financial management
Want to become a carer?
To become a foster carer your ability to care and nurture a child is what really matters.
To learn more, visit the LWB foster care website