Evidence-Based Foundation modules

This category of myLearning modules focuses on Life Without Barriers (LWB) Child, Youth and Family (CYF) evidence-based programs. Our evidence-based practice models help us ensure that children in care have a good day every day so that can heal, learn and grow.

myLearning modules in this section

CARE@LWB – an introduction

Time: 10 minutes

CARE – creating conditions for change; is an evidence-based, trauma-informed model used by LWB across all our work with children and families, including family-based care. Developed by Bronfenbrenner Translational Research Centre at Cornell University, CARE is an approach that creates conditions for positive change in children’s lives.

CARE Skills – cool, calm and collected

Time: 15 minutes

Caring for children and young people who have experienced trauma can sometimes be difficult. We must be conscious of our emotions when reacting to their pain-based behaviours. This module helps explore the importance of remaining cool, calm, and collected. By doing so, we teach children and young people in our care to learn new skills whilst feeling safe and secure.

CARE Skills – strengths in action

Time: 15 minutes

For children in care, their past experiences may leave them without self-worth and confidence. We must learn how to highlight their strengths and provide them with opportunities to experience success. Learn how to have fun with the child in your care and build upon their strengths to increase their self-worth.

CARE Skills – willing and able

Time: 15 minutes

Sometimes, we can all become frustrated at a child for not meeting expectations. Due to exposure to new environments or experiences of trauma, meeting expectations can be challenging for children in care. Learn how to reframe frustrations from the challenge of non-compliance to one where we help children meet expectations.

CARE Skills – creating safety and comfort through routine and rituals

Time: 15 minutes

Children in care have experienced instability, which may have left them feeling unsafe and hyper-vigilant. Consequently, instead of concentrating on healthy development, their bodies remain in survival mode. As Carers, we must provide them with safety through consistent routines. This module explains the importance of routines and rituals for children and how this contributes towards their healthy development.

CARE Skills – facilitating play and activities

Time: 15 minutes

We all need to have fun; when we do it with others, we tend to develop positive, lasting relationships. Play is a great way for children to learn new skills, helping their growth and development. This module helps us understand play's importance in children's lives and how we can help them engage in play.

CARE Skills – trauma and stress

Time: 15 minutes

“I’m not safe”, “People want to hurt me”, “People can’t be trusted”, “I’m not good enough for people to care about me”, “It will never get better”. These are thought processes for children who have experienced trauma. The good news is that we can help change these thoughts to more positive ones by providing therapeutic care. This module helps us to develop an understanding of trauma, stress, and pain-based behaviours.

CARE Skills – empathy, reflection, and a curious Stance

Time: 15 minutes

We all want to be seen, heard and understood. Children in care may feel this isn’t happening, making them feel that no one cares. Feelings like this may affect their relationships with others and leave them frustrated or lacking confidence. This module teaches the importance of empathy, listening and how to work with others. It helps us encourage children to voice their needs and teach us to hear them.

CARE Skills – problem solving skills

Time: 15 minutes

For children in care, their past experiences may have left them with a sense of hopelessness and a lack of control. Their ability to develop problem-solving skills may be underdeveloped and, instead, be exhibited through pain-based behaviours. With a mind to their future, we need to help them acquire problem-solving skills. This module explores why this is important and how to help children improve these skills.

Introduction to Therapeutic Crisis Intervention for Families (TCI-F)

Time: 10 minutes

Children do well if they can - if they can’t, we need to figure out why, so we can help - Greene and Ablon

The kind of help and how it is given makes it crucial for a child to learn from an experience. Therapeutic Crisis Intervention for Families (TCI-F) is a crisis prevention and intervention model designed to teach us how to help children learn constructive ways to handle crises and respond effectively to create a safe environment that promotes growth and development. This module introduces TCI-F concepts and is a precursor to the multi-session TCI-F course.


Time: 20 minutes

The Mockingbird Family is an award-winning, innovative model for foster care delivery that offers practical, cost-effective solutions to improve the lives of our most vulnerable children and youth. Designed to link children and families within a larger community network, the Mockingbird Family Model focuses on supporting families while targeting many issues that often leave children vulnerable to trauma.

Want to become a carer?
To become a foster carer your ability to care and nurture a child is what really matters.
To learn more, visit the LWB foster care website