Foster care
Carer guide
Extend your involvement
Carer consultation and peer support

Carer consultation and peer support

Carer consultation

You can provide us with valuable insights into the quality of our services. We provide opportunities for carers to participate and provide feedback. Talk to your care team about how you can be involved.

Peer support

It can help to connect with other carers with similar experience to you. Ask your care team about options in your region, which may include

  • Carer support groups – carers meeting together to share morning tea
  • One on one peer support – the availability of an experienced carer to talk to
  • Carer events and shared activities – to celebrate Christmas or just to get together

In some locations you may also have the option of joining a carer constellation as part of our Mockingbird Family Model (MFM). Constellations are made up of up to 8 carer families. An experienced and skilled “hub carer” provides support and regular events with all the carers and children in the constellation. Ask your care team about the MFM and to see if it is available in your region.

You can learn more about how we support our carers by visiting our website here

Want to become a carer?
To become a foster carer your ability to care and nurture a child is what really matters.
To learn more, visit the LWB foster care website