Right in the middle of Newcastle and Lake Macquarie, our Broadmeadow Hub is a great spot to meet new friends, learn new skills and take part in fun activities in a safe and supportive space.

What's happening at Broadmeadow Hub?
At the Life Without Barrier’s Broadmeadow Hub, you can try new hobbies, meet new friends, learn an instrument, discover a different sport, or head out and explore our local community – all in a supported environment. It is about getting out there, meeting people, and giving things a go.
We're one of the few places in Newcastle with a physical space for you to come and find your community. Life Without Barriers began in Newcastle in 1995, that means we have got almost 30 years of experience and local knowledge.
We stick to our values that are all about supporting you as an individual to assist you get involved in doing the things you love, getting out and exploring our community or even trying something new. To learn more about how we do this, check out our 'About Us' page.
What activities can I join?
We have all kinds of day program activities that are open to everyone. You can come alone for some one-to-one support or join a group program—it is up to you. We have arts, sports, music, dance, woodworking, and lots more on offer in the Hunter. We also understand group activities might not be for everyone, so we offer individualised support, in-home support, and community-based programs across Newcastle and Maitland. Whatever you might need or are looking for, we are here to help.
Check out our weekly schedule below, or head to Our Services to learn more about each activity. If you want to discuss what’s available for you, you can talk to our friendly team by calling 1800 610 699.
A typical week at Broadmeadow Hub

Image: Calendar of events for Lifestyle & Community supports at Broadmeadows, Newcastle.

Our facilities
Our spacious building is designed to offer a wide range of exciting programs and activities in a secure, comfortable, and welcoming setting. Our disability hub is purpose built and has an open layout with a fully accessible kitchen for cooking and learning. We have areas for learning, a sensory room, a woodworking shop, and a space for arts and music. Plus, there is a park right across the street for outdoor fun and gatherings.
We're conveniently located just 5 kilometres from Newcastle CBD, and we provide transportation for pick-up and drop-off in the Newcastle and Lake Macquarie areas to make it easy for you to join us.
Where to find us
65 Broadmeadow Rd, Broadmeadow NSW 2292
Directions to the Broadmeadow Hub
Accessibility and transport options
Our purpose-built Hub has fully accessible amenities, including bathroom and change room facilities with hoist. Our Hub is accessible for pick up and drop off from a side lane way for ease and safety.
We have a shuttle service available weekday mornings and afternoons if you require support to attend the Hub. We have several fully accessible vans if you require this service. Please speak with us if this is of interest to learn more about the costs involved.

Want to join us?
If you are interested in coming to our Hub or joining one of Life Without Barriers’ programs, you can find out more by filling out the enquiry form below.